Sunday, January 30, 2011

Katesplayground Makenzie

ἡ τύχη

Friday, October 17, 2008 on the blog-style all-too-child wrote:

[.. after years and years to find the famous face of Clare L., face I had not forgotten.

It is impressive, it seems like yesterday .. the estimates as if they had been in contact with her.

In two weeks, drew a perfect character, I can not say how much influence he exercised]

I had just Ribecco the Chiara on Facebook: Facebook was the first time, enthusiasm and few concrete results. In fact we had not smear shit (and I thought he had forgotten about me).

Today, 30 211 Sunday, in a boring day at the library, while I'm at the coffee machines someone gives me a pat on his back but looks a bit 'but you nasty bitch but but but by fiiiiiiiiiga miiiiiiiinchia: The Chiara L .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too funny and cute, I acknowledged as I walked on my way to the machines.

Chiara I met during my first language course in London in 2003. We had spent two weeks more and more always together, I admired very much this girl Milan alarm, decisive, hippies, intelligent, pretty, and even after London, I always kept thinking of her, a bit 'as if I had innamorata.L' summer after she came to Matera with camper and the family, and I brought them around the Sassi. In 2005 we met at the entrance of the Forum of Assago, while I, Myriam Paola and the blonde waiting to enter the concert of SOAD. Then during high school she left for Honduras for a year, in the meantime I had moved to Milan but .. goodbye.

Instead, as it turned, when things should happen, it just happens, and people will find it is fate, after so many years.


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