Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hair Sewn In In Birmingham

She wanted to raimbows

Ok, the time has come. The day is over and I have noted those who, although there is a profile on facebook in my name that states the multitude of contacts Obtuse the day they are born, they pointed out no ifs and buts to greet me (obviously ignoring my mother).
[Matthew has pointed out (and I made them on twitter) just because last night I am left to escape the "news"].
In order:
1) Adel;
2) Eli;
3) Valeria
4) Easyjet (which I also offered a discount);
5) Fausta;
6) Andrea C.;
7) Stefania;
8) Antonio M.;
9) Anna;
10) Federico;
11) Vera.

Bene.Credo that if there are still people I think that although you instead of the fundamental commandment of "do ut des" fuck the mandate has been a while, 'Well these people must be at least cagarla a bit' more. At least a few. Maybe. Finally

birthday admit that the past was much more sad than this, especially because I was in Milan. And even though I have not seen anyone today however, I felt less lonely than a year ago.
Throughout the day last year kept coming to my mind that my father was born on January 13 too. Now that there are already
comes to my mind yet, so thank my father would have done exactly that today 62.

Yeah. Good night.



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