Friday, February 25, 2011

Clip Art Of The Hamburgler

prikedelik @ 2011-02-25T15: 47:00

a Sunday in the early eighties we were
via Stimigliano

I asked my uncle that I will work the same five years later
what could be the thing that happened to me when I

a step on the one hand while I turned my head away:
I took a thick neck and
me numb the back part of the language and
should I know?

could be anything we could do a CAT scan and see
but probably would be inoperable
you sure that you want to know the same?

more or less at the time the trouble came

and I stopped thinking I was reminded recently when
glorify the great adaptability of the brain
my uncle told me
well when I went to work I saw
that the blood vessels had turned around
had recognized the area as problematic and had bypassed


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